Who We Are
Abit of Background
In 2017 Victor and Tina began the journey of bringing Salama Care into a reality. They both knew the value of getting helped by people who are not necessarily your blood relatives/kin in moving forward in life.
One of the visions birthed in this period is the need for a safe house/ rescue center. Tina's latter teenage years and that of her younger sister had been rough stemming from an unstable environment at home. Things got worse to the point she was all alone in the city left to depend on the generosity of friends and some relatives on day to day survival. In those years she yearned for a place to call home, somewhere that could offer her stability and help to deal with the traumas of coming from a broken home. By God's grace, she now stands, not broken by her circumstances but thankful for the people placed in her path who have been of great help and not taken advantage of her in her time of need.
As the desire to offer the same help to others grew, our eyes were also opened to the need in our locale for underage girls and the risks they face. In being confident of this leading, we shared the vision with a few trusted friends and their support has been instrumental in giving birth to Salama Care Organization.
- "Salama is a Kiswahili word meaning Peace or Security"
Through amazing partnerships, we have been able to be part of...
Offering physiotherapy to children with disability.
Home Visits
Home visitations to the children offered therapy to for follow ups on therapy exercises done at home.
Where possible, tools to make life abit easier for them at home are provided.
Relief efforts in taking food to areas affected by drought due to lack of rain in some of our regions.
What about the boys
The founders are blessed with two children: a six-year-old girl and a four-year-old boy. We can't ignore the question, "Who will offer help to the boy child when he is in need?" So we have some thoughts, but we are walking one step at a time.
Salama Care Organization is a Non-Governmental Organization registered under the NGO Co-ordination Board of Kenya.