Cases of gender
based violence on girls in 2021
We want to be part of building a healthy society by walking alongside the marginalized, and showing light and hope to all.
Through amazing partnerships we have been able to provide weekly physiotherapy session to 12 children with cerebral palsy since June 2022. We are now exploring ways to be extend care to their care givers as well. Click on Watoto Care to know more.
We are gearing up for furnishing and operations. Click on the Partner with us button for ways to join us on this journey.
So far we are constructing 5 units, four for the girls and one for the care mother.
What is Salama House? We are working towards setting up a rescue center/safe house for teenage girls at risk in Kwale County in Kenya. These girls are victims of neglect, rape, defilement and early marriages.
Cases of gender
based violence on girls in 2021
Salama Care Organization is a non-profit located in Kinondo Area, Kwale County, Kenya.